Organizer of the Competition

This Competition (hereinafter referred to as the
“Competition”) is announced and organized by Geron Nektarios (hereinafter  referred to as the “Organizer”),
owner of the Youtube channel with  URL:
https://www.youtube.com/GeronNektarios (hereinafter
referred to as the “Channel”).

terms aim to determine the terms of the qualifying entrants of the Competition,
as well as the nomination of the winners within the context of this Competition.
and participation in the competition shall be deemed an unconditional
acceptance of these Terms. All entry instructions and any other specific
details relating to the competition or the prizes form part of these Terms
without any further charge or procedure.

B. Duration of the Competition

1. The duration of the competition is set from Saturday 12 December 2020 until Saturday
26 December 2020
at 23:59 Greek time (UTC + 02:00). After
the deadline no entry will be accepted.

It is explicitly stated that, after the end of the Competition or of the new
date, which will be defined after any potential postponement or change of the
duration of the competition, the entries will no longer be possible and similarly
the existing ones
will be considered
non-existent and no result will be induced.Ι
this case, the entrants by participating in the Competition irrevocably accept
that they do not acquire a right or claim nor are they entitled to request,
either the continuation of the expired Competition, or the delivery of the
non-delivered gifts, or other further compensation.

C. Eligibility of the entrants and way of participation to the Competition

1. Only natural persons (ιn jurisprudence terms) who are internet
users and have reached the age of 18 are eligible to participate in the competition. By
participating in the Competition, the participants-entrants declare that they
are over 18 years old.

The Organizer’s immediate relatives (
first and second degree) are excluded from the competition drawing.

3. The participation in the competition is free of
charge and in order to be considered valid, the entrant must:

(a) Have subscribed
to the Channel 

(b) Write only one comment in the above video of the
Channel (video of competition).

(c) Have followed the Facebook page of Gerontas Nektarios
Moulatsiotis https://www.facebook.com/gerontasnektarios 

(d) Have followed the Facebook page of monastiriakokelari.gr (e-shop of Holy Monastery)


4. The first posted comment (“comment”)
of the participant will be considered valid. The following posts regarding the
above video of the Channel (
of competition
) will not be taken into account or any other comments in other videos will
also not be taken into account.

5. Each user’s profile can participate only once
(1) in the competition. Entries to the competition made by anyone found to be
using multiple accounts are not considered eligible.

Comments that are
abusive, offensive and
generally contrary to the law and ethics will not be accepted.

It is clarified that YouTube does not manage, promote, enhance or is not
connected to the competition whatsoever.

8. Participation in the competition requires the
unconditional acceptance of
all terms
policies of Youtube and Google, as well as any other website or
application used or to be used to participate in and conduct the competition.

entrants must act
legally within the context of users and ethics. The participants-
entrants must ensure that their participation in the
Competition does not violate the rights of third parties, the current
legislation, applicable regulations, codes, rules, etc.

10. Participants-entrants are bound by the terms and agree unreservedly not to
post, upload or publish, within the Competition, any item, material, object or
content irrelevant to the Competition either being whole or partly illegal,
defamatory, obscene, racist, false, or a priori intended to be shocking,
provocative or disrespectful or containing violent or abominable content or
inciting or encouraging hatred or prejudice or violence against individuals or
groups of individuals or infringing on the rights of others or content which is
illegally in their possession or would be illegal to be used by or  held by the Organizer. Participants-entrants
are also prohibited from engaging in acts such as aggression, threats, harassment,
intimidation, invasion of privacy and disclosure of personal data of third
parties. Furthermore, the submission of any item, material, object or content,
which may contain any form of virus or malware including, for example, Trojan
horses, worms, time bombs, cancel-bots, computer codes, files or programs
designed to interrupt, destroy or restrict the functionality of any software,
system, network, hardware or equipment. Any such participation will be declared
invalid and the participant will be excluded from the Competition.

11. The
winners of the Competition, the start and end time of the Competition, the way
of participation and the 
of the winners and the gifts of the Competition are announced in writing or
orally by the Organizer through one or more videos displayed on the Organizer
Channel or through announcements on social media.

12. In
the event that any participant in the action is found to be violating or there
are suspicions that he is attempting to violate the network, system or program
of the website or in case of infringing or attempting to infringe intellectual
property or any other third party right, he will be expelled immediately and
the “Organizer” will reserve the right to report the matter to the jurisdiction
authorities. Also, the “Organizer” will be entitled to cancel
entries, if there are indications or suspicions that he has split violation or
circumvention of any of the terms of the action. In addition, the Organizer
will be entitled not to acknowledge the participant’s win (in case the offender
has already been announced as the winner).

D. Winning Prizes of Competition

1. The prizes
of the Competition are:

A Cross  (1) made of silver and gold with
opening. 925 degree silver cross and 14 carat gold, size 4.4 cm hight (including
the fixed ring) X 2.7 cm width, accompanied by a silver chain of 925 degrees
and 70 cm. The cross is an exact copy of the original cross which was worn by
Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

Three (3) Wooden Crosses of size 49.5 cm high X 26.5 cm wide X 2.2 cm thick.
The cross on the front has Jesus Christ carved on the Cross of Martyrdom.

Ten (10) gift vouchers worth 30 euros each, exclusively for online purchases
from the store
www.monastiriakokelari.gr. The
gift voucher amount will have to be redeemed in full and the total value of the
purchases will therefore need to be equal to or greater than the value of the
gift voucher.

(d) Fifty (50) books written by Elder Nektarios Moulatsiotis  “Ποθώ την Αγιότητα” (‘I
long for Holiness
’) .

2. The
gift is specific, personal and can not be exchanged, nor can it be requested to
be replaced with another or be redeemed in cash or with other gifts, at any
price. The Organizer bears no responsibility regarding anything related to the
above gift other than its delivery to the winners. Gifts will be delivered in
accordance with these Terms and Conditions, excluding the application of the
seller’s liability provisions or other provisions establishing liability in
respect of actual defects, agreed qualities, etc., against the Organizer

Furthermore, in no case is the Organizer responsible for any direct or indirect
damages, expenses and charges that may arise from any interruption, malfunction
or delay or any other reason related to the prize of the competition. The
Organizer is exempted by the obligation of gift nomination, in cases where the
terms of participation in the competition have not been complied in any way.

E. Drawing/ Winner- Announcement

1. The
winners of the Competition will be announced by draw. The drawing will take
place at the Organizer’s offices by an automate electronic system, among the
valid participants of the Competition, on December 27, 2020. During the draw
process (64) winners will be announced.

2. The
results of the drawing cannot be questioned or be challenged by any legal

F. Modification of the Terms

Organizer reserves the right to change the terms and the prize at any time, to
postpone or cancel the Competition and the drawing for a reasonable reason,
without any prior notice. In this case, the Organizer will not be subject to
any obligation for any compensation to the lucky winner, which will emerge from
this drawing.

G. Winners Notification – Claiming of the gifts

1. The
winners will be informed in writing by the Organizer through one or more videos
that are displayed on the Organizer’s Channel or through a comment on the
respective video of the Competition or through announcements on social media
(social media).

2. The
winners will be notified after filling an online-form  where the winners will be asked to provide their
personal information (name and surname, house address and number, their contact
number telephone and email) and they  must have an active email.

3. If the
winner does not respond within ten (10) days after the drawing, that is until
January 6, 2021 or
if it is found that the appropriate conditions for their participation in the
Competition were not met, the winner loses his relevant right and the Gift-
Prize will be cancelled.

4. Winners, at any stage, including
the delivery and acceptance of the gift , may be excluded for the following
reasons: (a) if, for any reason, they do not fully accept these terms  and conditions in total, which are all
considered essential. (b) in the event that his participation does not meet any
of the conditions herein. (c) in the event that any of the information provided
is false. (d) in the event that the entrant’s participation constitutes, at the
discretion of the organizer, itself a product of illegal technical influence or
generally fraud or unlawful interference by the participant or a third party. 

5. The winners of the Competition will receive their Prizes with a courier company, with the transportation costs to be borne by the Organizer for the gifts a), b) and d). While for the prizes c) the transportation costs will be borne by the Winner.Upon receipt of the Prize, the winner is required to present his / her police ID or valid passport, in order to cross-check that he / she is in fact the winner according to the information stated on the entry form and that he / she has completed the eighteenth (18th) year.of his age.

6. The Organizer is released from the obligation to deliver a gift, in cases
where the terms of participation in the Competition have not been adhere to, in
any way.

7. Each winner, by participating in the Competition, he/she unconditionally
consents to all the above without the payment of any remuneration or
compensation. Participation in the competition implies the explicit and
unconditional consent of the participant for the registration of  his/her personal data  in a file to be kept by the Organizer, in
accordance with the provisions of the national legislation and the General
Regulation on Personal Data Protection (EU 679/2016) with the purpose of and in
the context of this Competition.

H. End of Competition

After the end of the Competition as well as the end of the gift distribution
process as mentioned above, any obligation of the Organizer ceases to exist.
The Organizer will not be subject to any other obligation towards the

I. Personal Data

1. The participant by participating in the Competition provides the Organizer
with the unconditional permission and consent for the use and processing of
personal data concerning him for the service of the purposes of the
Competition. Participation in the Competition implies the explicit and
unconditional consent of the participant both for the registration of personal
data, which concern him/her in a file to be kept by the Organizer and the
processing of this data, in the context of conducting and achieving the purpose
of the Competition. , in accordance with the provisions of national legislation
and the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (EU 679/2016).

2. Regarding the winner of the Competition, the Organizer informs that he himself
will process the participants’ collected personal data, in order to inform them
and publish the results of the Competition, in accordance with the defined
specific Terms, as well as the realization of all the necessary actions for the
delivery of the Gift.

3. After the delivery of the Gifts and the end of the Competition, any received,
in the context of this Competition, data which is personal or not, of the
participants and the winners, will be destroyed.

4. These terms are governed by and supplemented by Greek law. Any dispute
regarding the Competition, the courts of Greece will have exclusive
jurisdiction in case of any dispute arising in relation to these Rules.

5. For any information or for submitting complaints regarding the  Competition, the participants- entrants or
third parties can contact the Organizer by sending an e-mail message to the
e-mail address (email): info@freemonks.gr